If you’ve ever installed Oracle SOA/BPM on WebLogic locally on your development machine, you might have encountered the ORA-28001: the password has expired error at a given point in time.
This usually happens when you use the default settings on your Oracle XE Database.
Luckily, there’s a quick fix to unlock the account and update the setting to remove the expiration of the database account. Just follow the steps described below.
- Open the Run SQL Command Line application on your computer.

- Connect as SYS to the local Oracle XE instance.

- Run the below SQL query
SELECT username, account_status FROM dba_users WHERE account_status LIKE '%EXPIRED%';

- Set new passwords and unlock the desired accounts by running the SQL query for each user.
ALTER user USERNAME identified by NEWPASSWORD account unlock;
- Run the below SQL query to remove future password expiration.
ALTER profile DEFAULT limit PASSWORD_LIFE_TIMEĀ unlimited;